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Cedarcrest Class of 2022 Valedictorians and Salutatorians - In Their Own Words!

Cedarcrest High School Class of 2022 Valedictorians: (Front row): Sonja Blycker, Sayna Takezawa, Malia Swingle, Celia Stumbles (Back row): Halle Carlson, Ryan Carlson, Caesar Maddox, Parker Jeanes, Anastasia Rothlisberger (Not pictured): Aleea Piel

  • "Now is your chance to look around you...and say, 'Here we are. All together. In this moment. One last time'" - Malia Swingle

  • "The past four years of memories, friendships, laughter, and hard work have led us here. And now only great things lie ahead." - Celia Stumbles

  • "Everyone here, and everyone you will eventually meet, is a complex spiderweb of connections that cannot fit in a box." - Sonja Blycker

  • "When I took the step to work with others, I was met with countless helping hands." - Ryan Carlson

As students presented speeches at Cedarcrest High School's Class of 2022 commencement ceremony, themes of collaboration, togetherness, and community were profoundly spoken. A class bound together by two-plus years of learning in a pandemic, where recent classes spoke of resilience and overcoming obstacles and adversity, this year's graduating class took a more optimistic view. A sense of being stronger together, supporting one another, and acceptance, embracing differences, and celebrating the positive moments were common themes.

Returning to a more traditional graduation ceremony, the Class of 2022 radiated smiles, happiness, and perhaps some relief that this high school journey had come to a close. Families were celebrating together, the venue was full again, and hugs and cheers, and cap tosses were plentiful.

As in years' past, this year's Valedictorians and Salutatorians ("Vals and Sals") took the time to reflect on all they have accomplished. Twelve of this year's fourteen Vals and Sals provided their thoughts to our Director of Communications, Mike Ward. They talked about feelings around graduation, the new chapters they are preparing to write for themselves, and their individual experiences which collectively brought them to the graduation stage.

Cedarcrest High School Class of 2022 Salutatorians: (L-R): Chloe Berry, Kat Townley, Natalie McCabe, Elizabeth Monk

Through coordination with Cedarcrest principal Ray LaBate, we are proud to share with you the words of twelve of this year's Class of 2022 Valedictorians and Salutatorians.



Chloe has attended Riverview since kindergarten and will be attending Willamette University, aiming for a major in English, with a concentration in creative writing.

ON CONFIRMATION OF SALUTATORIAN STATUS: “I knew what my grades were, but I was still surprised, which later faded into a sense of pride."

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT: "The main sacrifice I made was sleep, as there never seemed to be enough hours in the day. I eventually learned to succeed without neglecting sleep.”

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL: ”During my years at Cedarcrest, I have been involved in marching band, Lit Club, LINK Crew, indoor soccer, American Lit through the UW Robinson Center, and the Fir Acres Writing Workshop."

THE COLLEGE PROCESS: “Overall, it went relatively smooth. I got accepted to the colleges I applied to and received some excellent scholarships, so my decision really came down to what I felt was the best fit."

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT: “Reflecting on the entirety of my time in this district, from kindergarten to the current school year, five teachers I've had are truly unforgettable. Mr. Nakagami (James Nakagami, former 5th grade teacher at Cherry Valley Elementary), Mrs. Cruz (Ruth Cruz, former 6th grade science teacher at Tolt Middle School), Mr. Hughes (Breland Hughes, former Cedarcrest band teacher), Mr. Snavely (Dean Snavely, Cedarcrest Band/Choir teacher), and Mr. Schenk (Tony Schenk, Cedarcrest English Language Arts teacher) all demonstrated a genuine desire to support and guide all their students in the time that I had them.”

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY: “During my four years at this school, the band has served as my rock throughout all the weird school years we have and I don't believe I would've been the same person that I am today with that influence. Though I am nervous about forming new roots, I hope to take these experiences with me to the next chapter of my life.”


“Never neglect your health for a grade; most of your teachers will be understanding and will want you to prioritize your health. Also, make lots of memories with your friends."



Halle has attended Riverview School District for four years and plans on attending Western Washington University, looking into taking a variety of different classes during freshman year to get an idea of what to major in and do in life.

ON CONFIRMATION OF VALEDICTORIAN STATUS: "I was very happy to know that my hard work paid off and that I was one of the Valedictorians for the 2022 graduating class. There were moments I didn't think I could do it and I certainly could not have done it without the support of my wonderful friends and family.”

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT: “There were times where I had to sacrifice my social life and mental health. It makes me sad to reflect on what I lost, but in the past semester I have learned that by acquiring the right skills, and by surrounding yourself with good people, finding balance between social life, mental health, and school is possible.”

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL: “I was involved in Thespian Society for all four years of high school, doing various roles in technical theatre. Mainly, I was the lighting captain, but also have been the sound captain, a sound and light crew member, and played a walk-on role in Chicago. I was involved in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) during my freshman and sophomore years and NHS (National Honors Society) my sophomore and junior years. I have also attended Art Club meetings throughout my years at Cedarcrest.”

THE COLLEGE PROCESS: “Overall, it has gone quite well. I was on the fence about attending college right away, but I am so glad I applied to WWU. I was accepted back in October and have been psyching myself up to go next school year. I have had help from a college planning teacher and the support of my family and teachers, which has made me feel confident that I will succeed in college.”

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:I'd say that the teachers who have had the most impact on my high school experience have been Mrs. Descheemaeker (Andrea Descheemaeker, Cedarcrest Fine Arts teacher) and Mr. Fassler (Daniel Fassler, Cedarcrest English Language Arts teacher). I have been in Desch's classes and advisory for every single semester over the past 4 years. She has truly made me feel at home here at Cedarcrest and has never failed to provide me with a safe space and a person to confide in. Having art classes every semester of high school (except for first semester, freshman year) has provided me with a creative outlet and time to recharge from some of the more difficult classes I have taken. If I had to choose one class that I have found the most value in, it is Fassler's Honors English 10 class - no contest. Every single assignment in that class was meaningful to me and my education, and overall, the class proved to me that sometimes, the most difficult classes are the most fun. When I received my schedule for junior year, I was overjoyed to see that I had Mr. Fassler for English a second year in a row. Once again, his class was probably my favorite. I could not have asked for more wonderful teachers.

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:I never connected with my community as much as I wish I did. I have several very close friends and people who I consider family here in Duvall, so I am sad to be leaving some of them behind. The great thing about attending Western, which is less than two hours away, is that I can always come home to visit. I truly wish that I had become more involved in my community, but I am excited to become involved in my new community in Bellingham.

IF AN INCOMING FRESHMAN ASKED YOU FOR ADVICE, YOU WOULD SAY...:There are so many things I could say. Above all else, never take for granted the classes and teachers that they love. While it is important to put effort into every class, prioritizing the classes that bring you the most joy is one of the best decisions you can make.



Ryan has been in Riverview School District for five years and will attending the Colorado School of Mines, studying Computer Science.

ON CONFIRMATION OF VALEDICTORIAN STATUS:Being a valedictorian was always a big goal for me, so the closer I got to graduation, the harder it was to wait to hear whether or not I had received the honor. When I got the email from Mr. LaBate, I felt super relieved and very excited."

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT:Due to my academic commitments, I spent many nights hunched over textbooks. I didn't have the time to commit to more clubs or hang out with my friends and family everyday. It was tough, but I think it was worth it.

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL:I have done Marching band, Jazz band, National Honors Society, Tri-M (Music Honors Society), and Sources of Strength.

THE COLLEGE PROCESS:I started the college application process at the beginning of this year. I knew what I wanted to do already, and I started the school year with my essays all written. I applied to five schools after a lot of hard work with my applications. I got into three of my schools. The college process was hard and stressful, but thanks to starting early, I saved myself a lot of stress.

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:Hughes, Fassler, Miyoshi, Schenk - Many of my teachers have had immense impacts on my life. Mr. Hughes welcomed me into band when I came in with no experience, and taught me that it's never too late to try something new. Mr. Miyoshi's class (Mike Miyoshi, Cedarcrest Career & Technical Education teacher) helped me learn how to take initiative in my learning and made me fall in love with programming. He always kept the Zoom classes open even when I was the only student left, and ensured there wasn't a single question of mine that went unanswered. "Desch" (Andrea Descheemaeker) was my advisor for four years and teacher for two. She has always been a beacon of support and made sure I knew that my struggles were heard. And last, Mr. Fassler and Mr. Schenk taught me how to love English and gave me the resources to challenge myself.

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:I came into high school from outside the school district and expected to have a hard time connecting with my community, but that couldn't be further from what happened. I was embraced by my teachers and the peers in my classes and clubs. It was easy to build a meaningful connection to this community when those within it were so welcoming. I feel nervous not knowing how I will be able to leave behind all the amazing people I have come to know, but I know the friendships that I have made will remain with me as I leave for Colorado.

IF AN INCOMING FRESHMAN ASKED YOU FOR ADVICE, YOU WOULD SAY...: Challenge yourself with the subjects you are interested in. Also, start the college process before senior year.



Parker has attended Riverview for all thirteen years of schooling and will be attending California Polytechnic University, with plans to major in Environmental Earth and Soil Science.

ON CONFIRMATION OF VALEDICTORIAN STATUS: “I checked my grades frequently and knew I had a 4.0. I felt good and really excited that my hard work had paid off and would get some distinction.”

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT:I had nights of studying or doing homework and meetings with teachers to talk about how I could raise my grade or just understand the content better. I had to put a lot of effort into school.

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL:I've played Volleyball since 6th grade, and was captain of Varsity this past year. I have also been involved with FBLA since freshman year, and am also a part of NHS.

THE COLLEGE PROCESS:Applying for college was a lot of work and pretty stressful, but it was really rewarding to get accepted to most of the schools I wanted to go to. Then, the 'picking which school' process was tough, but I settled on Cal Poly.

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:My favorite teachers have been Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Kennedy, Ms. Schneider, and Mr. McLaughlin. They were all teachers I could have a personal relationship with, not just show up to class and do the assignments they say. I was able to talk with them and understand them and we got to know each other a little. That helped me a lot with schoolwork, I wasn't afraid to ask questions or ask for help.

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:I feel pretty connected to my community here at Cedarcrest and in the surrounding areas, so I'm anticipating it'll be hard to leave all my people when I go off to college. It'll be hard to leave my friends and classmates.


I would tell them talk to as many people you can, say hi to everyone, reach out and make friends, don't be afraid to try new things or meet new people.



Natalie has attended Riverview schools for 12 years, and will be attending the University of Portland majoring in nursing.

ON CONFIRMATION OF SALUTATORIAN STATUS: “Mr. LaBate (Ray LaBate, Cedarcrest principal) sent an email to all of the valedictorians and salutatorians sharing what they had earned.”

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT: "Staying home from social events to study or do homework. Sometimes I had to get work early when I was going on trips for soccer and then would have to do my work on airplanes and in hotel rooms."

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL:RAK (Random Acts of Kindness), NHS, Varsity Girls Soccer, Club soccer, and WCTSMA (Washington Career and Technical Sports Medicine Association).

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:It’s nice to live in a close-knit community because it can be nice to know that your community has your back. With that said, I’m excited to leave for college to go meet new people.

IF AN INCOMING FRESHMAN ASKED YOU FOR ADVICE, YOU WOULD SAY...: Don’t take everything so seriously and take some time off to appreciate where you are in the moment.



Elizabeth has been attending Riverview schools for 13 years and will be attending Western Washington University in the fall, with plans to study Accounting and Business.

ON CONFIRMATION OF SALUTATORIAN STATUS:I felt very proud of my accomplishments and a feeling of relief because all of my hard work paid off.

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT:I had to put in a tremendous amount of extra hours to be able to maintain such a high Grade Point Average. In addition, this added additional stress and pressure that I had to overcome.

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL: "Band, Marching band, DECA (Vice President of Community Service), FFA, Riverview Youth Council (Activities Coordinator), Gay Straight Alliance (on the leadership team), National Honors Society.

THE COLLEGE PROCESS: I knew during the whole application process that I wanted to attend Western Washington University and was very relieved that I received my acceptance letter five days after applying. In addition, I was not expecting my acceptance into the Distinguished Scholars Program through the College of Business and Economics because they only accept around twenty students. However, when I did receive this acceptance, I felt as though all my extra effort was worth it.

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:The two most influential mentors I have had the opportunity to have were Mrs. Adams (Tiffany Adams, Cedarcrest Science Teacher) and Mr. Hillestad (Marc Hillestad, Cedarcrest Career and Technical Education Teacher). Mrs. Adams is one of the teachers who truly cares for her students and values their feelings and time. She has always been there for me even after I was no longer a student in her class. I will miss her Lunch Crew. Without encouragement from Mr. Hillestad, I would not have found my love for business and wouldn't have been involved with DECA. He is an amazing mentor and gives so many opportunities for his students to further themselves in their academic interests. In addition, I am very grateful to all teachers and staff who have helped me throughout this process.

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:There are benefits and detriments of having a close-knit community. When something tragic has happened, everyone has come together. However, you are limited in the amount of people and ideas you see. I would compare it to being stuck in a small bubble. The bubble represents comfort and security. However, I am enthusiastic to go out into the larger world and know I am ready.

IF AN INCOMING FRESHMAN ASKED YOU FOR ADVICE, YOU WOULD SAY...:Join that club and participate in as much as you can. You will find a community that is right for you and a setting you can thrive in. Although it might seem scary, ask your teachers for help when you need it. Find friends that care about your well-being. Remember that it is more of the quality of the relationships that you have rather than the quantity. I wish you the best, enjoy it while it lasts.



Caesar has attended Riverview School District for 8 1/2 years (since the middle of the fourth grade) and will be attending Northwest University, majoring in Worship and Music Studies.

ON CONFIRMATION OF VALEDICTORIAN STATUS:I was very surprised that I had managed to keep consistent A's through all 4 years of high school!"

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT:I have always made sure to give my best effort in school, and this meant that sometimes I would have to sacrifice free time, or things I enjoyed, to finish my work at my standards. Honestly, I have a really good sense of when I need to take a break or if I am working myself too hard. This helped me not to sacrifice anything important in my life for the sake of getting straight A's. My goal wasn't to be Valedictorian, instead I wanted to just put in my best effort into school. This allowed me to have a personal life outside of school, and create a healthy balance, which I believe led to me becoming Valedictorian.

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL:I lead the high school youth band at Redemption Church, and I regularly serve in the main Sunday band as well. I participated in DECA my first two years of high school and I absolutely loved it! I now play beach volleyball with friends in my spare time (and if Washington weather allows!), and I love to play and listen to music.

THE COLLEGE PROCESS:The college process has been very stressful for me. There are just so many options and the possibilities are immensely larger than high school. It has been difficult navigating applications and scholarships, and figuring out what can work for me.

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:Mr. Nakagami was my 5th grade teacher at Cherry Valley Elementary, and he definitely had the biggest impact on me. He made me excited to learn, helped welcome me into an unfamiliar school, and encouraged me to strive for the best. I remember that he invited me to join the Cheetah Math Club, for advanced math compared to what we were learning in class. I felt so honored, and I think that started a lot of my good practices to grow my knowledge and to give my best effort in all of my school work.

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:I feel very connected to the community even when I have been attending classes full time at Lake Washington (Institute of Technology) at the moment. It is a bit daunting to think about leaving this comfortable sphere I have grown up in, where I know almost everyone.


I would tell them to be themselves. Everybody is trying to change once they get to high school, they see it as a fresh start. I tried to do that, but I really found success and found my true friends when I was just myself. Everyone is unique and you don't have to change to fit in! Enjoy your 4 years at high school, don't be afraid to participate, take every opportunity to have fun, and give it your all!



Aleea has attended Riverview School District for 12 years.

ON CONFIRMATION OF VALEDICTORIAN STATUS: “My friend texted me that she got an email confirming she was Valedictorian, so she let me know I should check my inbox too! I thought the news would come as more of a relief, but as a Running Start student, I still have a month of school left so grades are not completely off of my mind."

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT:I have sacrificed prioritizing my mental well-being, physical well-being, and time with my family."

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL: "I have been involved in volunteering in my community at the Food Pantry at Holy Innocents Catholic Church and the kids' program at Acres of Diamonds. I have also participated in volunteering to harvest crops for food banks. I have been involved in two theatre productions at Bellevue College and attend social and cultural events often on campus. I have also started work as a barista and have made many friends in the Redmond community as well as in my coworkers."

THE COLLEGE PROCESS:It has been very chaotic with the majority of things being online. Especially as a Running Start student, I have had to do a lot of coordination between my high school, Bellevue College and the college I will be eventually attending, Western Washington University. I feel that since taking college courses, I am well set up to join campus life eventually.

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:The teachers with the biggest impact on me were at Tolt Middle School and Eagle Rock (Multi-Age Program). In particular, I want to thank the amazing teachers that supported my artistic growth which happened, surprisingly, within history and science classes in 6th and 7th grade. This support will continue to stick with me. I also need to give an enormous thanks to my professors at Bellevue College for respecting me and showing me all the kindness in the world."

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:I feel connected to the friends I have made in volunteering in town. Since I will be taking a gap year, I hope to grow even closer with them on the months I am home.


"Do Running Start! Best decision of my life!"



Celia has been in Riverview for all of her elementary and high school years and will attend the University of Oregon this fall. Celia is considering a Psychology major, but is open to trying different courses and finding the right fit.

ON CONFIRMATION OF VALEDICTORIAN STATUS:I was extremely proud of myself. A lot of hard work and extra hours went in to achieving this honor.

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT:The biggest sacrifice I made to earn this recognition is sacrificing a relaxed, care-free mindset towards my academics. With the drive to achieve perfect grades I often found myself unable to let go, letting one or two bad grades define me. Somewhere along the way I became very high-stress. While I was always able to balance my schoolwork and social life, when it came to taking a test I felt unprepared for, I felt super panicked.

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL:Senior Class President, Random Acts of Kindness Club Vice President, NHS, LINK Crew, as well as a nannying job.

THE COLLEGE PROCESS: "When it comes to my college plans, I didn't end up where I had initially hoped I would. However, I know I will have an amazing experience at the University of Oregon, even if it was not what I had in mind for myself.

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:I've had so many amazing teachers over the past four years! Cedarcrest High School has such incredibly kind staff! This year specifically, I was really challenged in my Pre-Calc class taught by Mrs. Simoni (Bobbi Simoni, Cedarcrest Mathematics Teacher). I've never been a natural at math, it just never clicked for me, but Mrs. Simoni made the class so much more pleasant. She knew my goals and that I would work as hard as necessary to achieve them and helped me get to where I am today. She gave up so much of her time to re-explain concepts that I couldn't comprehend and she always had words of encouragement for me. I have so much love and appreciation for her!

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:I love the Carnation-Duvall community. This place truly feels like home. I feel very supported by my community members especially my friends, family and teachers and I am so lucky to have grown up in such a special place.

IF AN INCOMING FRESHMAN ASKED YOU FOR ADVICE, YOU WOULD SAY...: Turn everything in on time fully completed. Daily assignments and homework make up more of your overall grade than you realize. Turning these assignments in also demonstrates responsibility and dedication to your learning. I also achieved a lot by building a strong relationship with my teachers. Ask any questions you might have and stop by office hours if you need a little extra help (there's no shame in it!). Show that you care about your grades, want to achieve your goals, and are willing to put in a little extra work to do so and your teachers will bend over backwards to help you! They really do want to see you succeed.



Malia has attended Riverview School District for seven years, and plans to attend Oregon State University, studying Oceanography.

ON CONFIRMATION OF VALEDICTORIAN STATUS:I learned through an email I received from Mr. LaBate. It was exciting to find out.

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT:I don't think I had to make too many sacrifices. I just made sure that I was always on top of my assignments and always aware of when tests and quizzes were.

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL:I have been involved with NHS, WCTSMA, and FBLA while in high school.

THE COLLEGE PROCESS: "I started filling out applications in early October. It was a little stressful trying to fill in all the forms and write all the essays but it wasn't too bad.

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:Definitely Guyer (Justin Guyer, Cedarcrest Science Teacher), Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Kracht (Chris Kracht, Cedarcrest Career and Technical Education Teacher) and Mr. McDowell (Bruce McDowell, Cedarcrest Mathematics Teacher) would always answer my millions of questions, even if it was the morning before the test. And they always made time to help me when I needed it.

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:Living in such a close community is really great. It's nice knowing how much support we have from the people in Duvall and Carnation. Getting ready to leave is a little nerve-racking, but exciting none the less.

IF AN INCOMING FRESHMAN ASKED YOU FOR ADVICE, YOU WOULD SAY...: Don't be afraid to try new things. Getting involved in clubs helped me make friends, connections, and learn new skills. There's no commitment when you go to the first few meetings, so just go and see if you like the club. Also, never be afraid to ask your teachers questions when you don't understand things. More often than not, they are happy to help you and it can make a big difference.



Sayna has attended Riverview School District for thirteen years and plans on studying Marketing, while attending the University of Washington.

ON CONFIRMATION OF VALEDICTORIAN STATUS:I was happy and proud of the effort I put into my four years at Cedarcrest High School.

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT:I had to sacrifice my time into engaging in all the academic activities I was involved in, but in return, it helped me grow and learn from my experiences and earn this academic recognition.

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL:DECA, NHS, Riverview Youth Council Interact Club, Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra, Seattle Japanese School.

THE COLLEGE PROCESS: "Through the support from my family and teachers, I was able to come up with a clear post-high school plan in which I hope to pursue soon. It was a struggle first to find out what I wanted to do at college, but it wasn't too difficult to figure it out and plan it out once I gained more academic and social experience at school and in my community.

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:Mr. Hillestad had the most impact on me during my time at Cedarcrest and throughout my Riverview experience. I never really had an interest in Business, nor did I want to study it initially, but through Mr. Hillestad's mentorship and my experience in his DECA chapter, I was able to discover my new passion and a potential career in this field. Over the course of my high school career, I was able to learn what Business and Marketing are and how it is applied in the real world, which led me to declare this subject as my major at college. If I had not met Mr. Hillestad or taken any classes with him, or was not involved in DECA, I don't know where I will be today.

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:I felt very close to my community because I found myself knowing most faces and felt connected to the majority of the people in the end. It feels very sad to leave this community for college, as I know I will be missing many people from Carnation and Duvall.

IF AN INCOMING FRESHMAN ASKED YOU FOR ADVICE, YOU WOULD SAY...: Don't be scared to step out of your comfort zone. Jump out of the bubble you're currently in, and you can discover new passions in your high school career as well. Keep craving for challenges.



Kat has been in Riverview School District for 12 years and will be attending Hillsdale College, with plans on majoring in English.

ON CONFIRMATION OF SALUTATORIAN STATUS:I knew I would be based on my GPA, but hearing from Mr. LaBate felt great.

THE SACRIFICES MADE TO GET TO THIS POINT:I had to lose a lot of sleep to balance homework with sports and friends.

ACTIVITIES IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL:AAU basketball, Varsity basketball, Varsity softball, LINK Crew, NHS, Wilderness Awareness School volunteering.

THE COLLEGE PROCESS: "I’ve known which school I wanted to go to since I was 9 years old so it was very goal-orientated.

TEACHERS WHO MADE AN IMPACT:Carol Gould at the RLC (Riverview Learning Center) is the reason I want to be an English teacher.

THOUGHTS ON MOVING ON FROM YOUR COMMUNITY:I feel very close to my community, especially my fellow students. I’m very sad that I will be leaving them.

IF AN INCOMING FRESHMAN ASKED YOU FOR ADVICE, YOU WOULD SAY...: Get to know your teachers and cherish your time in high school because it really does go by fast.



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