Riverview's Student Advisory Council
The Riverview Student Advisory Council provides opportunities for students in grades 6-12 the chance to represent their school, while keeping students at the center of the District's work. Riverview's Student Advisory Council provides direct input to the superintendent, while also serving as liaisons between the superintendent and student body. The Council also advises the superintendent on the impact of central office decisions.
The advisory, with students from Cedarcrest High School, Tolt Middle School, and Riverview Learning Center, meets three times during the school year for two-hour meetings at the Educational Service Center. In addition, students come together and create a presentation for the School Board of Directors on the work of Council prior to the end of the school year. Students are selected to serve a one-year term and complete a brief application in consideration for serving in this role in our district.
We are so thrilled to have a Student Advisory Council and are proud to have such a diverse array of students representing our Council and informing us on the experiences they are sharing, both individually and collectively, in Riverview School District!