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ParentSquare Arrives in Riverview School District

Riverview School District is excited to announce the launch of ParentSquare, a simple and unified school-to-home communication tool able to reach and engage every staff member and active parent. ParentSquare is an important addition to district communication, helping ensure everyone in the district can actively participate in their children’s education.

Effective school-to-home communication has never been more important, which is why Riverview adopted the ParentSquare communication platform. We are looking forward to reaching 100% of our families no matter where they are, unifying all our communications tools.

At this time, ParentSquare will be a one-way communication tool that provides alerts and updates directly to you from the district. District news and notes, weather alerts, school delays or closures will be delivered directly to ParentSquare. Additional communication tools and platforms the district currently uses will remain in place at this time.

Families will be receiving an activation email on Wednesday, February 8, 2023, with further instructions on how to activate your account in ParentSquare. ParentSquare also offers 24/7 customer service support should any issues arise when activating or using the tool.

Click the QR Code below, or visit our ParentSquare resource page for more information, including a tutorial, user guide, and overview of ParentSquare and look for your activation email on February 8, 2023.


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