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School Board Policies & Administrative Procedures


Proposed new policies and proposed changes in existing policies shall be presented in writing for reading and discussion to the board. Unless it is deemed by the board that immediate action would be in the best interests of the district, the final vote for adoption shall take place not earlier than the next succeeding regular or special board meeting.


The superintendent shall develop administrative procedures as necessary to ensure consistent implementation of policies adopted by the board and of state statutes and regulations. Written procedures need not be reviewed by the board prior to their issuance; though on controversial topics, the superintendent may request prior board consultation.








1000 | 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 | 6000

Series 1000 - Policies and Procedures - The Board Of Directors

1000 - Legal Status and Organization 


P1000-1 Director District Boundaries                                    


P1000-1A Director Boundaries                                                  


P1000-2 Director Election and Orientation                         


P1000-3 Election of Officers and Duties of Board Members 


P1000-4 Policy Adoption, and Administrative Procedures     


1005 - Key Functions of the Board            


1015 - Executive or Closed Sessions


1110 - Code of Ethics


P1110-1 School Board Rules of Conduct      


1115 - Board Meeting Schedule                                              


1120 - Commitment to Strategic Planning   


1125 - School Director Legislative Program   


1130 - Open Government Trainings                       


1140 - Negotiations    


1150 - The Board -Superintendent Relationship  


P1150-1 Evaluation of the Superintendent                                


1160- Board Member Compensation                    


P1160-1 Procedure


F1160 Monthly Claim Form                       



1200 - Student Representative to the Board of Directors


P1200-1 Procedure                 


F1200  Application    


1420 - Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda


1440 - Minutes


1610 - Conflicts of Interest (Districts with 2,000 or more students)             




1000 | 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 | 6000

Series 2000 - Policies and Procedures - Instruction and Curriculum

2000 - Student Learning Goals 


2004 - Accountability Goals                                     


2005 - School Improvement Plans            


2015 - Program Compliance  


2020 - Program Evaluation


2021 - Library Information and Technology


        P2021-1 Library Information and Technology


        F2021-1 Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials


2030 - Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials


P2030-1 Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials


F2030-1 Instructional Material Evaluation Selection Criteria


P2030-2 Instructional Resources


P2030-5 Sexual Health Education


P2030-6 HIV / AIDS Prevention Education


P2030-7 Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education


F2030-7 Extended Field Trip District Form


P2030-8 Home or Hospital Instruction


P2030-9 Required Observances


2032 - Copyright Compliance                        


P2032-1 Copyright Compliance Procedures                          


2033 - Online Learning


P2033-1 Online Learning - Instructional Procedures                                


2035 - Electronic Resources                    


P2035-1 Electronic Resources Procedures                                


F2035-1    Computer User Agreement and Release for Staff


F2035-2   Computer User Agreement and Release for Student


2036 - District Social Network


P2036-1 District Social Network Sites and Interactive Media                                  


2038 - Education of students with disabilities under section 504


P2038-1 Education of students Under Section 504 procedures


2039 - Service Animals in Schools


P2039-1 Service Animals in Schools Procedures


2040 - Special Education and Related Services


P2040-1 Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students


2045 - Transitional Bilingual Instruction  


P2045-1 Procedure   


2050 - Highly Capable Programs   


P2050-1 Procedure    


2055 - Interscholastic Activities     


2060 - Remediation Programs     


2065 - Federal and/or State Funded Special Instruction Programs 


2070 - Substance Abuse Program     


P2070-1 Procedure    


2075 - Promotion and Retention     


P2075-1 Procedures, Promotion and Retention    


2080 - High School Graduation Requirements   


P2080-1 Procedure    


2081 - Career and Technical Education   


P2081-1 Procedure    


2082 - Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses


2083 - Waiver of High School Graduation Credits     


P2083-1 Procedure 


F2083-1 Form


2085 - Alternative Learning Experience Programs


P2085-1 Procedure     


F2085-1 Statement of Understanding Form


2086 - Alternative Learning Experience Program Diploma



2090 - Community Service


P2090-1 Community Service Procedures    


2095 - Religious-Related Activities and Practices


2100 - Suicide Prevention


        P2100-1 - Suicide Prevention


2110 - Guidance and Counseling


2153 - Non-Curriculum-Related Student Groups


2195 - Academic Acceleration


2331 - Controversial Issues - Guest Speaker


2402 - Credit for Competency-Proficiency   


2402P Credit for Competency-Proficiency Procedure


1000 | 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 | 6000

Series 3000 - Policies and Procedures - Students

3001 - Equity and Access for All Students



3005 - Compulsory Attendance  


P3005-1 Entrance, Exemptions, and Placements


F3005-1 Elementary Student Placement Profile - Parent Input for Placement Teams Form


P3005-2 Part-Time, Home-Based or Off-Campus Students


P3005-3 Withdrawal Prior to Graduation


P3005-4 Enrollment and Attendance Record


P3005-5 Excused and Unexcused Absences and Tardies


P3005-6 Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions


P3005-7 Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services



3008 - In-District Attendance Area Boundaries


3010 - District Attendance Area Transfers


P3010-1 Procedures


F3010-1 In-District Transfer Form


3015 - Release of Resident Students  


3020 - Nonresident Students


3025 - District Notice of Juvenile Offenders


3030 - Release of Information Concerning Student Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders                        


P3030-1 Procedures                          


3035 - Restraint, Isolation, and Other Uses of Reasonable Force


P3035-1 Procedures                                


3040 - Removal/Release of Student During School Hours                    


P3040-1 Electronic Resources Procedures                                


3045 - Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises


P3045-1 Procedures


F3045-1 CPS School Contact Documentation


F3045-2 Law Enforcement Contact School Documentation                                 


3050 - Closed Campus


3060 - Associated Student Bodies


P3060-1 Co-Curricular Program


P3060-2 Non-Curriculum Related Student Groups


3070 - Student Records


P3070-1 Management of Student Records


P3070-2 Student Fees, Fines, Charges, Records Withheld


P3070-3 Child Custody


3075 - Parents & Students Rights in Administration of Surveys, Analysis or Evaluations


P3075-1 Procedure   


​3080 - Student Health


P3080-1 Infectious Diseases


F3080-1.1 Consent for Disclosure of HIV/AIDS Status


P3080-1.2 Head Lice Procedures


P3080-1.3 Respiratory Protection Program


P3080-2 Medication at School


F3080-2.1 Medication Authorization


F3080-2.2 Medication Log Sheet


F3080-2.3 Field Trip Medication Record


F3080-2.4 Medication Administration Incident Report


F3080-2.5 Medication Administration Delegation


F3080-2.6 Medication Administration Skills Checklist


F3080-2.7 Medication Administration 101 Quiz


P3080-3 Vision and Hearing


P3080-4 Emergency Treatment


P3080-5 Child Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Prevention


F3080-5.1 Child Abuse/Negligence Report to CPS


3082 - Anaphylaxis Prevention


P3082-1 Anaphylaxis Prevention Procedures


P3082-2 Self-Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medication


3085 - Accommodating Students with Diabetes


P3085-1 Procedures


3086 - Student Sports Concussion and Head Injuries


P3086-1 Procedures


3090 - Emergencies     


P3090-1 Procedure


F3090-1 Emergency Drill Reporting Form


3095 - Pandemic/Epidemic Plan     


P3095-1 Procedures


P3095-2 Emergency Plan


3096 - Opioid-Related Overdose   


P3096-1 Procedures


F3096-1 Naloxone Post Use Check List


F3096-2 Naloxone Training Check List



Student Conduct and Expectations Policies



3100 - Rights and Responsibilities


P3100-1 Student Rights


P3100-2.1 Students and Telecommunication Devices


        P3100-3 Guidelines and Rules for Students Riding the Bus


     P3100-3.1 Transportation Student Misconduct Notice


     P3100-3.2 Bus Suspension Letter


P3100-8 Special Education Student Discipline


     P3100-8.1 Special Education Record of Meeting to Consider Proposed Suspension/Expulsion


        P3100-9 Corrective Action for Illegal Drugs/Alcohol


​3105 - Prohibition of Corporal Punishment


3110 - Non-Discrimination


P3110-1 Nondiscrimination Complaint Procedures


3115 - Gender-Inclusive Schools     


P3115-1 Procedure​


3125 - Sexual Harassment of Student Prohibited


P3125-1 Procedure


F3125-1 Reporting Form


3142 - International Student Exchange


3207 - Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying


3207-P1 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Procedure     


3207-F1 Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Student Incident Reporting Form


3225 - School-Based Threat Assessment


​3241 - Student Conduct and Expectations


        P3241-1 Procedure


1000 | 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 | 6000

Series 4000- Policies and Procedures - Community Relations

4001 - Public Information  


P4001-1 Procedures                                                               


P4001-2 Citizens' Advisory Committee and Task Forces


P4001-3 School-Support Organizations 


P4001-4 Public Access to District Records   


F4001-4 Request for Copies of Public Records 


4005 - Civility 


P-4005-1 Civility-Respectful Communications and Behavior


4010 - Safe and Orderly Learning Environment  


P4010-1 Visitors 


4020 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices 


4025 - Title I Parent Involvement


P4025-1 Procedures


4030 - Contacts with Students  


P-4030-1 Distribution of Materials to Students 


4035 - Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs


P4035-1 Procedures 


F4035 Form


4040 - Use of School Facilities  


P4040-1 Procedures


P4040-2 CHS Turf Field/Track Use Procedures


4045 - Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm


P4045-1 Procedures 


4050 - Relationships with Law Enforcement, and other Government Agencies 


4055 - Release of Information Concerning Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders 


4060 - Cooperative Programs with Other Districts and Public Agencies


4070 - Election Activities


P4070-1 Guidelines for School Districts in Election Campaigns


4075 - Language Access Plan 


4210 - Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises 


4237 - Contests, Advertising, and Promotions


4311 - School Safety and Security Service Program


         P4311-1 Procedures








1000 | 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 | 6000

Series 5000 - Policies and Procedures - Personnel

5000 - Employment: Disclosures, Certification Requirements Assurances and Approval


P5000-1 Procedures                                                               


P5000-2 Recruitment and Selection of Staff


P5000-3 Contracts 


P5000-4 Disciplinary Action and Termination of Employment   


P5000-5 Garnishment and Personal Credit Problems 


5002 - Evaluation of Staff 


5010 - Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action


5010-P1 Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Procedure


5015 - Confidential Communications


 P5015-1 Procedures 


5020 - Drug-Free Schools , Community and Workplace


5030 - Conflicts of Interest  


5040 - Auxiliary Personnel


P5040-1 Procedures


5045 - Hiring of Retired School Employees 


5050 - Reporting Improper Governmental Action


P5050-1 Procedures 


5060 - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Mandated Drug & Alcohol Testing Program


P5060-1 Procedures


5065 - Unpaid Holidays for Reason of Faith or Conscience


F5065-1 Application for Unpaid Holidays for Reason of Faith or Conscience


5075 - Family Leave


P5075-1 Procedures


P5075-1 Leave of Absence Without Pay


5080 - Military Leave


P5080-1 Procedures


5085 - Leave Sharing


P5085-1 Procedures


5090 - Substitute Employment


P5090-1 Procedures


5095 - Staff Participation in Political Activities


P5095-1 Procedures


5100 - Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited


P5100-1 Procedures


F5100-1 Reporting Form


5150 - Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries


P5150-1 Procedures


5260 - Personnel Records


5260-P1 Personnel Records Procedure


5270 - Resolution of Staff Complaints


5270-P1 Resolution of Staff Complaints Procedure







1000 | 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 | 6000

Series 6000 - Policies and Procedures - Financial Planning & Management

6000 - Program Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption, and Implementation


6020 - System of Funds and Accounts


P6020-1 Procedures


6021 - Interfund Loans


6030 - Financial Reports


6040 - Expenditures in Excess of Budget





6100 - Revenues from Local, State, and Federal Sources 


6101 - Federal Cash and Financial Management


6102 - District Fundraising Activity


6102P - District Fundraising Activity Procedure


6106 - Allowable Costs for Federal Programs


6111 - Tuition


6112 -Rental or Lease of District Real Property


6114 - Gifts


P6114-1 Procedures


​6120 - Investment of Funds 


6125 - Growth Management Impact Fees


P6125-1 Procedures





6210 - Purchasing: Authorization and Control


P6210-1 Procedure


P6210-2 Procurement Card Procedures


F6210-1 Procurement Card Form - Memorandum of Understanding


6213 - Reimbursement for Travel Expenses


6213-P1 Reimbursement for Travel Expenses Procedure


6215 - Voucher/Warrant Certification and Approval


6220 - Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements


P6220-1 Procedures


6225 - Use of Electronic Signature


6230 - Relations with Vendors


6240 - Provision of Food and Beverages


6240-P1 Food and Beverage Consumption In-District Procedure


F6240-1 Form - Food and Beverage Authorization Request



Risk Management


6500 - Risk Management


P6500-1 Procedures


6510 - Safety


P6510-1 Procedures


6511 - Staff Safety


P6511-1 Procedures


6512 - Infection Control Program


P6512-1 Procedures


F6512-1 Immunization History for School Personnel


F6512-2 Bloodborne Pathogens Training Record


F6512-3 Consent for Disclosure of HIV/AIDS or HBV Status


F6512-4 Hepatitis B Immunization Consent/Waiver Form


F6512-5 Procedures


6530 - Insurance


6535 - Student Insurance


6540 - School District's Responsibility for Privately-Owned Property


6550 - Capitalization Threshold for Leases and Subscription Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs)


6570 - Property, Data and Records Management





6600 - Transportation


6605 - Student Safety Walking, Biking, and Riding Buses to School


P6605-1 Procedures


6608 - Video Cameras on School Buses


P6608-1 Procedures


6610 - Video Surveillance


P6610-1 Procedures


6620 - Special Transportation


6630 - Driver Training and Responsibility


6640 - School-Owned Vehicles


P6640-1 Procedures


Food Service


6700 - Nutrition, Health, and Physical Education


6700-P1 Nutrition, Health, and Physical Education Procedure



School Property


6800 - Operations and Maintenance of School Property


6801 - Capital Assets Theft Sensitive Assets


        P6801-1 Procedures


6810 - Energy Management, Education, and Conservation


6881 - Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials


6882 - Sale of Real Property


6883 - Closure of Facilities


6890 - State Environmental Policy Act Compliance


6895 - Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping


P6895-1 Procedures



Capital Projects


6900 - Facilities Planning


6905 - Site Acquisition


6910 - Construction Financing


6920 - Construction Design


6921 - Educational Specifications


P6921-1 Procedures


6925 - Architect and Engineering Services


P6925-1 Procedures


6950 - Contractor Assurances, Surety Bonds, Insurance, and Change Orders


6955 - Maintenance of Facilities Records


6959 - Acceptance of Completed Project


6970 - Naming Facilities


P6970-1 Procedures


6971 - Works of Art





References to: State Of Washington Laws And Statutes


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